
2016-6-30   |  分类:海运物流公司
To achieve the procurement cost savings
Purchasing Agent Company specialized in materials procurement and distribution, it is the procurement of materials that function spun off from manufacturing enterprises to achieve a social division of labor. According to the theory of division of labor and specialization, division of labor contributes to professional development, and direct impact of specialization is cost savings. Purchasing agent business is specialized material procurement business, which has specialized purchasing and materials distribution team, can effectively reduce procurement costs. First, it specializes in purchasing a certain category or categories of materials, can serve a number of customers, which in operation is usually bulk purchase, bulk purchase on the prices tend to have more promotions, customers can enjoy more than the average for the discounts. The speedy completion of the procurement task Secondly, purchasing agent business deal in purchasing a certain category or categories of materials, with more abundant than general business information, market conditions well known in the art, and can send the customer procurement directives, you can save a lot such as visits, negotiations and other transaction costs. For customers, in addition to saving the cost of purchasing department daily, external procurement staff salaries, cost of materials and inventory procurement transaction costs, but also with higher efficiency, lower purchase price of required supplies. Companies tend to simplify the entire procurement chain, processes, procurement costs greatly reduced. 2.海运拼箱:我们为货量少于一个整箱的客户提供通达世界各地的散货拼箱服务;我们的船期密集,能满足客户的不同需求。将不同发货人的货物整合在一个集装箱中出运;我们也提供从不同始发地整合货物的拼箱业务以及有多个目的地的集装箱拆箱分拨业务。

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2016-6-27   |  分类:出口空运物流
1. 手续特简,一般情况下,普通贸易无须单证
2. 费用较低,价格优胜,合理避税,节约成本
3. 速度特快,简化流程,高效制单通关
4. 安全稳健,通关迅速,服务至上,安全可保。出口货物超过5项货名可以打续页,超过20项则需打联单。如以联单申报每一份报关单需对应



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2016-6-20   |  分类:广州货代
 专线运输主要覆盖深圳、广州、长沙、昆明及郑州等地。车辆及司机均配有《承运海关监管货物载货登记薄》及《汽车司机载运海关监管货物资格证》,《载运海关监管货物汽车驾驶员培训合格证》;高效的操作调度团队、标准化的操作流程、执行强的司机队伍;公司坚持以客户为中心,市场为导向,全力打造港口集装箱运输品牌;As more multinational corporations invest in the Mainland China freight matching, and the modernization of port equipment, as well as the development of global international freight good situation, we have full confidence for my company into a bigger, more established global logistics business objectives continue to struggle.

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2016-6-15   |  分类:海运物流公司
要从事集装箱海运及拼箱业务,华南地区深圳口岸,广州黄埔南沙码头,长通滘心仓,深圳外运仓等是主要操作口岸,同时涵盖国际空运、多式联运、保税区物流、国际快递DHL,FEDEX,UPS 门到门服务,仓储等第三方物流供应链、报关报检等专业领域,而我们所服务的客户包涵了家用电器、纺织品服装、玩具、休闲用品,医药器械及化工产品、日用消费品、农产品,大型机械等各大行业。

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像春天的小花,不断茁壮开花,进步发展,不断完善自身的平台建设,推陈出就,按照客户的发展方向,铺设多个国际贸易,国际物流,国际结算平台,今天的JDS是一个有特色的综合性供应链平台,平台上有不同的企业负责不同功能的进出口服务、贸易、检品、仓储、物流配送、报关、以及国际金融结算等,为客户量身订造合适的不同类型的服务计划;JDS的宗旨是诚信、专业、高效、贴心、秉承我们的宗旨,我们会陪伴我们的客户不断地壮大。香港国泰、中华、泰航、新航、马航、俄航、日航、美航、深航、DHL、UPS、FEDEX、TNT、EMS 等多家航空公司建立了良好稳定的合作关系,密集的国际航线、高效的转运能力。与国航CA、南方SZ、联邦快递FX、新航SQ、泰航TG 、法航AF 等多家航空公司建立了长期合作关系、遍布全球的货运代理网络将我们的服务延伸到世界一百多个国家和地区。我司在国际空运直航及二程转运方面运作成熟,舱位保证。提供即时的航班动态、最优惠的运价以及全体同仁强烈的责任心、精诚敬业的精神,为满足不同客户不同需求提供了最有力的保障。...

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2016-6-11   |  分类:广州货代
We become fully fledged after years of hard working.Solid business relationship has been constructed with dozens of container shipping lines all over the world, especially with UASC/OOCL/CMA/RCL/MSK/EMC/PIL/ZIM/MOL/HANJIN/COSCO/WANHAI,etc .We have competitive power serving you on Southern Asia,Middle- east ,India and Pakistan,Red sea ,North Africa and the Black sea .

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2016-6-5   |  分类:广州货代
业务范围涵盖化工、日用品、机械、电力设备、家具、家电、建材、食品等众多行业。联众广州市货运物流公司通过物流资源的整合与众多往返广东的回程运输车队联网,构成四通八达的运输网络,以北京、天津、上海、江苏、浙江、广西、福建、江西等地为中心辅射至全国各地的运输网络,形成东西南北货物大联运。并根据客户的要求,为客户量身设计物流方案;提供完善的一体化区域配送服务。 门到机场提货服务,门到门服务
■ 货物包装、仓储,个性化要求做特殊包装打包服务
■ 报关、报检、保险服务
■ 雷射分单提供服务
■ 门到机场货站GPS监管安全措施,货物跟踪业务

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FCL business; LCL business

2016-6-3   |  分类:物流货代公司
American line services;
European and American airline services;
Southeast Asia and Australia Service;
Deals and reasonable tariffs;
FCL business;
LCL business small quantities of goods;
GOH, refrigerated containers, open top containers;
And other special operations;

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2016-6-1   |  分类:代办海运手续

● 在散货租船运输,海运、陆运进出口运输,仓储,国际物流等领域具有优势竞争实力。凭借领先的货运管理系统,我司员工每日24小时为您服务,整个管理团队进取、协同、效率,专业经验丰富。

● 总部设在中国经济和港口最发达城市——上海。 我们在全球都有紧密合作的代理,能为您提供目的港清关及送货到门点的服务。
多年来通过业务合作的方式,不断整合世界各地地区性的优秀速递相关资源,建立多渠道辐射全球的国际速递网络。从而实现为客户和合作伙伴降低商业成本,增加市场竞争力。 公司发展至今业务拓展到国际空运、海运拼箱、进出口代理、代理报关、核销、,国内空运等领域,同时提供为海外客户采购,代购存储包装分发的订单式管理服务。充分节省您的成本和货物运转周期,提高客户的产品竞争力。 “速度占领市场,服务赢得客户”是微记多年来不变的经营理念。企业快速发展的同时,特别注重对员工素质的培养,要求员工都必须接受岗前培训,强调对运转的每个环节进行严格的监控把关,从而保证了业务的熟练化,作业程序的规范化、合理化,以及服务质量的优良化。...

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