拼箱货 整柜货海运

2012-11-14  |  分类:海运物流公司  |  标签:拼箱    |   views
The office is located in 16F No.55 Hunan Road of Qingdao, which is near Qingdao Custom and CIQ. We have a high-qualified team,an advanced service and equipment facilities, and modern management system, and smart

network enables full support to customers and partners. With this several years development, the company make good cooperation with Carriers, Qingdao port, CY yards, Custom, and other relative departments,and established joint venture offices in Beijing, Tianjin, Dalian, Ningbo,Shantou,Lianyungang. The Company also can make special logistics plan according to special requirement of clients. With our help you can do business more easily.是经国家外经贸部批准成立的一级国际货代企业,具有中华人民共和国交通部批准的无船承运经营资格。其海运业务主要包括提供订舱、租船、报关、商检、动植物检、危险品申报、仓储及地面运输服务;提供整箱货、拼箱货、散杂货、鲜活、冷藏、危险品和普通化工品运输服务;提供相关的进口货物拆箱、清关、提货、送货等门到门服务.

