
2016-2-15  |  分类:海运物流公司  |  标签:  |   views
主要经营国际贸易货物的海洋运输、铁路运输、公路运输和航空运输。公司承办集装箱多式联运,货物保险、货运咨询,提供各种运输形式的货运专业服务,是多家船公司的定舱代理;公司还代办报关、商检和报验手续。为客户提供多方面全方位的优质服务,还可根据客户的要求提供其它各种形式的服务To have close collaboration with our worldwide customers, partners and colleagues.
•To optimum efficiency and ensure that every consignment of our customers is dealt with using the most comprehensive, flexible, one-stop and hassle-free logistics solution.
•To evaluate our operating processes frequently; be innovative to stay in the forefront and go along with new challenges of our industry.
•To support and encourage our staff to roll in the social services and charitable issues, so through these kinds of social activities to foster the values of teamwork and excellence among staff.

