

2016-6-30  |  分类:海运物流公司  |  标签:  |   views
To achieve the procurement cost savings
Purchasing Agent Company specialized in materials procurement and distribution, it is the procurement of materials that function spun off from manufacturing enterprises to achieve a social division of labor. According to the theory of division of labor and specialization, division of labor contributes to professional development, and direct impact of specialization is cost savings. Purchasing agent business is specialized material procurement business, which has specialized purchasing and materials distribution team, can effectively reduce procurement costs. First, it specializes in purchasing a certain category or categories of materials, can serve a number of customers, which in operation is usually bulk purchase, bulk purchase on the prices tend to have more promotions, customers can enjoy more than the average for the discounts. The speedy completion of the procurement task Secondly, purchasing agent business deal in purchasing a certain category or categories of materials, with more abundant than general business information, market conditions well known in the art, and can send the customer procurement directives, you can save a lot such as visits, negotiations and other transaction costs. For customers, in addition to saving the cost of purchasing department daily, external procurement staff salaries, cost of materials and inventory procurement transaction costs, but also with higher efficiency, lower purchase price of required supplies. Companies tend to simplify the entire procurement chain, processes, procurement costs greatly reduced. 2.海运拼箱:我们为货量少于一个整箱的客户提供通达世界各地的散货拼箱服务;我们的船期密集,能满足客户的不同需求。将不同发货人的货物整合在一个集装箱中出运;我们也提供从不同始发地整合货物的拼箱业务以及有多个目的地的集装箱拆箱分拨业务。



