
2012-11-15  |  分类:海运物流公司  |  标签:吉布提    |   views
☆ 快捷的单据制作与传递;
☆ 高素质的报关、报验人员:具备海关和进出境检验检疫机构的认可资格,对保税区政策有全面的理解,并有较强的业务操作能力和热情、专业的服务;
☆ 便捷的报关场所:在青岛保税区海关大楼一楼设有报关业务部。

★ 业 务 范 围

☆ 代理客户办理在青岛保税区进出境报关、报验业务;
☆ 代理客户办理通过青岛保税区的进出口报关业务;
☆ 提供保税区报关、报验业务咨询服务和报关解决方案;
commits its expertise in ocean freight,road and rail transportation and logistics to customers. For import and export of goods, RAIN offers from charter, trucking, booking, warehousing, inland transportation, customs declaration, inspection to international transportation services. RAIN offers a full range of comprehensive and innovative supply chain management solutions to support the logistics life-cycle through Domestic Distribution and Global Freight Forwarding services.

